23 Jan 2013

Wake Up, Oh Sleeper!

Submitted by theshovel
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What causes a believer to lose sight of grace so as to become ensnared by law? The religious mind would have us do it to each other, and it would have us use Biblical principles in an attempt to penetrate each other’s shield of faith. Come and listen as Adam recounts the experiences at the hands of a few supposedly well-meaning Christians that drove him down that downward spiral of legalism.

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I used to be able to sleep in until ungodly hours to the great envy of my dad who took up the 'wake up, oh sleeper' role.  Nowadays - not so much:(

Anyway, it's great to be hearing the big boy, Adam's, story and am looking forward to the next chapter :)



Loved listening to this discussion ! Thankyou for sharing , loved the song too..hearing this brings back some memories as well. God Bless your continued efforts to proclaim the Good News we all can relate too.. Thankfully, Donna Holloway
theshovel's picture

Thank you Donna! It is good to know that we are touching others with our talks.

Jim :)

Donna thanks so much! Adam

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