11 Feb 2013

Chili, Tossed Salad, or Something Else?

Submitted by theshovel
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The first time I heard the phrase Tossed Salad applied to the Gospels it was meant to describe why we often have such difficulty with some of the things that are downright disturbing. We want to hear “I will be with you always” but shake in fear at “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire!” What do we do with that?

ShovelAudio: Chili, Tossed Salad, or Something Else?

(Audio Series: Men of Grace or Men of Law?)

ShovelAudio Download Link


Can’t wait till the next shovelaudio!

You said, “….he applealed to the law…..” but didn’t he also say at times when referencing the law? “….but I say…..” Basically setting a new way such as when he appealed to the law about an “eye for an eye” and then said “….but I say…” I’ve got no agenda here other than knowing Christ better….this is one of your best audio teaching in my opinion. Also, “…rightly dividing the word of truth.” Paul was definitely talking about OT scripture and not the NT, but perhaps behind that “dividing of the truth” ….or OT truth…. he was talking about Christ as the fulfillment of that OT truth…was he not? My father was the perfect picture of….”the prostitute, the drug abusers….they are not into the hot and heavy theological debate…they just want to know that they have been delivered…” My dad was dramatically delivered from major alcohol abuse and chain smoking. He could see it destroying his life but had no idea on how to change until he met Jesus who did the changing for him miraculously. (Just a side bar there.)
theshovel's picture

We will definitely be looking into that whole passage especially relating why he said, but I say to you. Its meaning is so simplistic, and yet so misunderstood. Until we get to that spot, ask yourself why he preceded it with, You have heard that they were told, and not simply, It is written.

I'll write more after I get home.


“You have heard that they were told, and not simply, It is written.” Interesting distinction…
theshovel's picture

I'll go so far as to say that it is a critical distinction. It reflects the very point he made ... especially when you consider that not too long before, when Jesus rebuked the devil, he said, "It is written..." He has no problem stating the reality, and when he says something in such a different manner, there is a reason for it. :)


theshovel's picture

but perhaps behind that "dividing of the truth" ....or OT truth.... he was talking about Christ as the fulfillment of that OT truth...was he not?

Indeed, he was! For the reality of the Christ is woven all throughout the OT scriptures. :)

Thanks for taking the time to write. There will be another audio out this week, and then the following week we're digging further into the Sermon on the Mount, which I believe is one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible.


Was the fig tree that Jesus cursed, possibly Israel under the law?
theshovel's picture

Yes, it was an excellent representation of Israel under Law, for it only gave appearance as if there should be some fruit on it.


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