7 May 2012

Hebrews: Perspective, Rest, and Holding Fast

Submitted by theshovel
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How certain historical events impact you depends upon how you came to understand them. Were you there? Did you participate? Or did you learn it second handed? Jim and Adam step back to take another look at Hebrews through the perspective of the Jews to whom it was written in order to push as they consider Paul’s narrative regarding the wild versus natural branches, as seen in Romans 11. Check it out! :)

ShovelAudio: Hebrews: Perspective, Rest, and Holding Fast

(Audio Series: Hebrews)

ShovelAudio Download Link


Hey Guys A drum I never tire of Christ Christ Christ. And one you guys never stop banging. Wonderful stuff and really good insight for all of us who at one time or another have all fell into the trap of thinking we are the chosen ones. And coming to the end of all and seeing that Christ is the chosen one and always will be any thing short of Christ and that is what we are is short or cut off. So many like to hold up all their doctrines for the world to see and they have either forgotten or never known the simple truth of Christ. So many are busy looking up in the air for a flesh and bone Jesus flying through the sky to come and surly make their little group look good and they have no thought nor do they know the Christ of God who is ever present. And just like the first time he came as Jesus now the Christ of God comes in all those who truly believe and so few relize they are killing him all over again when they strike one another over the most silly things.

As David said, “I never tire of hearing, of Christ, Christ, Christ!”. Always an encouragement to this one who loves the Life, and of course, pure JOY to hear it through you two!


"Christ in You, the Hope"

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