12 Dec 2012

Left in a Dark World

Submitted by theshovel
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“I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.” Many of us have asked … WHY? Why did Jesus ask his father NOT to take us out of the world? Why were we left in this dark world? What kind of protection do we really have? After all, wouldn’t it have been much better if we had simply been whisked away?

ShovelAudio: Left in a Dark World

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Bro I LOVE the caption! Great one!



theshovel's picture

big smile

Hey guys good stuff. I read a prophecy the other day by some big time preacher who said that he believes that one of the dangers to the so called body of Christ is these grace preachers. He seems to think if something isn't done about these heretics  then all will be lost. I said to my wife it is amazing to me that they who say they see so much can be so blind. You can not even know God with out grace and this fellow thinks it is the end of things as we know it if something isn't done about these grace teaches. Well one thing he got right and i believe is right the grace of God will end the system he was talking about because it was never of God in the first place. The children of Israel had all the best teachers at the time Jesus was born into this world the first time and they could not perceive the grace of God wrapped in flesh. Well Christ has come the second time and He is still wrapped in flesh and the learned men of the church systems still do not know who he is. But thank God we know because He is our life now and as He was we are now. Grace Grace and more Grace keep it coming brothers.

theshovel's picture

For our part, we will keep going by preaching this grace! Yes, let the system fall. :)


My heart rejoices in the Real. So Simple as being born physically in darkness yet called it life and the faithfulness of Christ reveals the deception because He ALONE is LIFE. So being born again living in HIM is all there is. WOW-WOW-WOW-FREEDOM!!! Can’t judge or the law sneaks in. Man has all the levels - gossiping, lying, cheating are sin but a lower level than sex, rape, murder etc. I am being told now all things are permissible but is it profitable? To judge that it seems I would have to put another law in (and under law I never judged anything correctly). So outside of HIM as LIFE all is HOPELESS and I am glad I can not go back to that. Just as physically I can not be unborn. So profound and yet so simple when He has made one SEE. Before LIFE I always had to justify myself but now I am free because HE ALONE is my JUSTIFICATION. These are my thoughts. I am always awaiting the next shovel audio because of the jumping for joy in my heart. Vivi
theshovel's picture

Vivi, my heart rejoices to hear such a testimony to the truth of our life in the amazing grace of our amazing Lord! To know the worthlessness of our old fleshly judgments comes only through an inward revelation by his light and his knowledge. Thank you for the kind of wonderful encouragement that stirs my heart to keep the shovel going!

Jim :)

Whenever I start a tape, every fiber of my being lets down, and I hear, “Relax….this is Jesus.”:) Adam, You bring into the discussion the “in the world” emotions and thoughts we have from time bringing it into nature of “relating”. and bringing out the excellence of the REALITY that is ours in Christ. I beam when the “Love of God” is talked about - nothing imho comforts and warms the soul more than to know that within this world of darkness, the Love of God is more encompassing, real, and ‘higher’ still. I so love and appreciate you both! Love, Mary

Mary it is just too darn easy for the natural religious mind to tell us our life in Christ is just “knowledge” or even just “mental”. It's not.


Thanks for your encouragement!




Whilst being in the midst of my anger against the god of my imaginations that supposedly abandoned me and caused bad things to happen to me because of the faults he found in me, I came to know that it had been the life of God in me all along that condemned and cursed those same fleshly perceptions that were seeking to project through me a false image upon him. So then we aren't bitter against God and do not blame him, and indeed neither are we able to, but rather our heart's condemnation is directed towards those perceptions of him that he himself reveals are incompatible with the reality that has us. We aren't therefore afraid anymore to be displeased with these images of God, knowing that our displeasure does not disprove but indeed testifies that we do know the truth.

theshovel's picture

So then we aren't bitter against God and do not blame him, and indeed neither are we able to, but rather our heart's condemnation is directed towards those perceptions of him that he himself reveals are incompatible with the reality that has us. We aren't therefore afraid anymore to be displeased with these images of God, knowing that our displeasure does not disprove but indeed testifies that we do know the truth.

Excellent, my friend! For the truth has indeed already set us free! :)


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