9 Apr 2011

Power in Weakness

Submitted by theshovel
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When we are weak, we are strong? What is the ‘power’ in our weakness about? What are some of the fleshly ideas we have heard about this? Jim and Adam go into great detail about God’s power in our weakness.

ShovelAudio: Power in Weakness

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Jim and Adam, I want you to know I have been listening to these on my iPod (old generation variety, a cast off from one of my kids :-)) as I go for a walk. I appreciate these. Easier for me than reading. Thanks!
theshovel's picture

Tim, I am so glad to hear that you are able to take these recordings along with you on your walks. We plan on keeping this up, so you'll have many more to listen to. :)


Tim, Once again you have hit the nail on the head!! The main hindrance it seems to living this life of fellowship with Christ is this fleshly desire to want to have our own separate identity, to be somebody special or to accomplish something great. We want to get recognition that we are valuable but at the heart of this desire is pride. You mentioned the emphasis put on ministries and how we quantify value based on our judgement of results. We have been fooled by Satan through the agency of institutional churches into thinking that we need to have a ministry. This is simply a way to identify ourselves separately from Christ so we can get some glory for ourselves. That is also a reason why every IC is a denomination or a non-denomination and the pastors name is on the sign showing whose ministry it is. We’ve been trained to think that it is our church or our ministry and therefore our responsibility to make the right things happen. God teaches us through His scriptures that there is only one church, only one ministry and only one minister. Christ is the church,(Paul explains that Christ is the head of the body and then explains that Christ is also the body)Christ is the minister of His ministry and He alone does it all!! Out of Christ’s life we get to experience His church, His ministry to us and through us as He wills. Praise God! Christ is EVERYTHING! As a Christ One we have everything and we don’t need to be searching for an identity outside of who we already are. When you try to add to Christ as your life you are becoming less not more. Thanks again for sharing God’s heart! One in Christ, Dan Markley
theshovel's picture

I'm sure Adam will agree when I say that it is our joy to express the life of Christ as being the very foundation of everything for all who believe. :) Thanks for your encouragements.


”..we have everything and we don't need to be searching for an identity outside of who we already are.”

Well said. For though we are not even seeking for it, the wisdom of God, the power of God, the knowledge of the life of Christ, comes to us by its own accord. For even as we lay our heads down at night those motions of his are so abounding! Thoughts infiltrate and fill our minds, testifying of what is being said without words, praising unconstrained the life of God. And we know that it is him speaking, because nothing of what is being said causes us to die, but rather strengthens us, encouraging us in the reality of that hope that consumes the dead things and enlivens us. The omnipotence of this unrestricted power in us that enslaves death and causes it to serve us cannot be recognized in the things of the appearance, for as God is separated from the deadness of the appearance so also are we. Therefore the world cannot know us, for though we ourselves are so terribly strong in the midst of weakness, we nevertheless appear so vile and wretched to those who would examine us by their perfect blindness.

theshovel's picture

"Therefore the world cannot know us, for though we ourselves are so terribly strong in the midst of weakness, we nevertheless appear so vile and wretched to those who would examine us by their perfect blindness."

Georgi, this is most excellent and so full of life!

So, so encouraging my brother. I hear you in this loud and clear.






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