6 Dec 2012

Falling away, losing your salvation, the impossibility of renewal, and going to hell

Submitted by theshovel
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Jumping back into Hebrews, Jim and Adam discuss the infamous passage in Hebrews 6 about falling away and the impossibility of renewal to repentance, and the fear of being burned in the pit of hell. If you’re ready, give a listen.

ShovelAudio: Falling away, losing your salvation….

(Audio Series: Hebrews)

ShovelAudio Download Link

Sidebar: Whose perception

Download: Whose perception

Sidebar: John 15, burned branches

Download: John 15, burned branches

Sidebar: Our God is a Consuming Fire

Download: Our God is a Consuming Fire


Well guys another great message. This one or should I say this subject will become very important to many in the up coming year. As more and more will see that what they have been doing is not working and the need to hear that there are those who hold out a message of grace in Christ as opposed to what they have been taught in the church systems made by men.
theshovel's picture

My brother, thanks for so freely sharing your heart and mind with us. :) I love you, my friend.


Thank you Dave! yes



Through my fleshly attempts to do repentance I only came to find that the true repentance, the complete change of mind, was done to me. - georgi
theshovel's picture

So good to hear from you again, Georgi! The new mind is indeed something that is not of ourselves. Thanks for this.


I have absorbed all of your past audios more than once, and am keeping up with your new ones to include some of the available reading. My walk with Jesus these past 77 years has been amazing. He continually brings forth the truth of himself within me, in various ways, to include who he is not. Adam, I was charismatic for about a year, Jim, I gave myself to the study of the written word, to include Greek, for 13 years in a Bible church. Currently, he is using the shovel to bring more clarity to The Religion that he is not, and to who he is as my life. I had no desire for Internet use until necessity brought me to buy an iPad about 3 months ago, and to my surprise He is using a website!!! Words can’t explain how an elderly lady, widowed, and living alone, feels like a little girl being taken care of by her daddy. Julie.

Wow Julie, what can I say? It’s you who we want to share these precious things with! Thank you for letting us know how these things are at play in your life. I am seeing a profound effect in my own life as well. Love, Adam
theshovel's picture

Hello again, dear Julie!

What a delightful treat to receive this email!! Thank you my dear lady. I know that Adam will love to read your encouragements as well.



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