16 Jan 2012

Heading God off at the pass

Submitted by theshovel
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In this week’s Shovel Audio, Adam and Jim consider the topic of discipline, especially in view of heading God off at the pass. In other words, we hope to keep the really harsh discipline from coming on us. If this catches your attention, you might want to give it a listen!

ShovelAudio: Heading God off at the pass

(Audio Series: Hebrews)

ShovelAudio Download Link


Excellent opening my true brother!

What if it was SO natural for those Hebrew believers to go back to the law? Not natural in the sense of the Spirit but, according to the natural mind. It enticed them to do so! It was just so much less threatening! For all men were reverting to it.
theshovel's picture

Yes, and I think this is the very same kind of thing that happens with so many believers who after leaving the religious institution that kept them in bondage get pulled back into the same struggles. Like you say, it's a natural pull.


Yes I totally agree with you. In fact, I think it is the EXACT same thing, not even probable or maybe in our case. Thank you too! Adam

as if that would even be possible. LOL i love how this audio distinguishes between discipline according to sin (which is ‘fed’ and nurtured by a legal mentality), or Godly discipline according to Love - being trained by the very Spirit of GOD Himself. no religious facade of servitude built upon a foundation of fear, guilt, shame, indebtedness, and dot, dot, dot fill in the blank. but the miraculous foundation of Christ and the WORK of GOD in us, producing HIS righteousness and working ALL things together for our good. thank you for upholding the GOOD NEWS of Christ! i think it is of urgent and ultimate benefit of heart, mental health and support for the New Creation that is in the world. :)

Great word Adam and Jim. nergo

Nergo it always great to hear from you. Adam
theshovel's picture

Yes, it is always good to hear from you, my dear friend. :)


WOW really good stuff guys. I sometimes think we have such a hard time believing that God relly did and does all thing for our good. The things you guys had to share brings this out very well. I enjoyed spending the time with the both of you this afternoon. I was reminded of this pastor who had all those in his church on easter to bring a piece of paper up to a giant wooden cross they had constructed and take the piece of paper and take a nail and a hammer and put the paper on the cross. The paper was suppose to have a sin they were strugling with. They spent at least 2 hours doing this and made a big show about it and a lot of crying and caring on. I went up to him at the close of the service and asked him which one of those sins has not already been delt with? He just stood looking at me with his mouth hanging open. I told him that now Christ was or should be our life so all they did was for nothing how can you improve on what God has done in His son our savior the Christ of God. Great stuff guys thanks.
theshovel's picture

Excellent, my brother Dave!! I can only imagine what an amazing picture of grace that will be embedded upon that pastor's memory, as he is left to consider all his wasted efforts. Thank you so much for adding this into the mix!

Jim :)

Dave it’s so great to hear from you!

Whoa …the same “come-on-down-and-post-those-sins” exercise happen to my daughter and me about 12 years ago at a parent camp retreat. I forgot all about it. Thank you for the reminder, and especially sharing your wonderful follow-up with that pastor. Glory to God for the freedom we have in Christ. … and Adam and Jim, thank you for revealing that freedom every week in these audios. God bless you! nergo

how can you improve on what God has done in His son… Exactly. “It is finished.” :)


very good news indeed! always always good, good news! short, sweet and to the point, Mikey.  :) dignz

When God is using a venue (yours right now, for which I’m grateful), in which he is showing me the reality of himself and our relationship together, I no longer hear the words of knowledge or information, but I hear words of life, and life has to express itself. Thus He takes what I have heard, and we live it out together. We have just lived two days of my discipline together. I was taken by surprise, shocked and hurt, by a recent email from a “Christian friend”. My discipline was that I did not have to respond in kind, for I had the eyes to see that it was all of the religious flesh, to include scripture, to enforce its rightness. I am not saying that I did not have two days on the emotional roller coaster, what I am saying is that through it all, his life remained constant in me, and I realized my freedom to not have to play the flesh game, ( And I won’t try to kid you, my flesh wanted to ) I’m writing this to encourage all to not fear God’s discipline, but to embrace it for what it really is, a beautiful wonderful expression of his love. Though it seems not to be joyous at the moment, it does have you sharing God’s holiness. There truly is an afterwords as he promises. Only Christ himself could bring me to this joy I am left with. Julie
theshovel's picture

Julie, thank you so much for this! It speaks so clearly of one who is hearing the voice of God.


Thanks Julie!



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