Trinity: Read this first
Submitted by theshovelOkay, this is surely going to get me into trouble with a lot of folks who read this. But you know what? Even though it might be said, "Oh, HE's the guy who doesn't believe in the Trinity!", it won't really be because of what I believe or don't believe. Not a chance. You see, I'm not questioning or denying anything about GOD, but I AM questioning the religious human logic that assumes it can define God by a doctrinal formula.
- This doctrine pretends to be about God, but it's really about man and his handle on God.
- This doctrine pretends to glorify Jesus Christ, but somehow in the process, it denies the centermost realities of his identity.
- This doctrine attempts to replace true faith with a set of "truths" to agree with about God so that we can pacify our fears of unbelief by declaring our adherence to the stated "facts" about God in His relation to Jesus and to the Spirit.
- It deceives us into thinking that we can determine the presence of or lack of "faith" by comparing how our our verbal statements line up with a doctrinal statement.
- It tells you that your understanding of God is not really found in Christ but in an intellectual understanding and agreement of "God" that is recorded in ink and written on paper and not written on the heart.
Please know that I am not disregarding those who have presented many wonderful and life-filled realities just because they may have been included under the heading of "The Trinity," because I have no doubt that the Spirit gives insight in spite of our formulas. :)
You want to know something else this doctrine pushes? That the separation between man and God has not really been bridged in Christ in any real way because it still exists and will always exist. For the doctrine teaches that God is God and man is man and never the two will mix. But then what of Jesus? Isn't he the joining of God and man? Did he bring us into FELLOWSHIP with the Father and with himself through his Spirit? Haven't we been made ONE with God through Christ? How is it that if the doctrine of the Trinity is such a "foundational" teaching of Christianity that the majority of those who hold to the doctrine do not also hold to the reality of our union with God in Christ?
Jim Minker
The truth is Jim if all those who stand on this thought that God is three persons would dwell more on the simple truth that Christ is in them. I would hope. They would see that God is one and you can not explain what He is really like unless you see Him in Christ and you would know that He is not a person at all. All those who think He is like a man have never seen Him. The trinity doctrine makes no sense because men thought it up.
The simple truth is something God shows us in Christ and that wisdom shows us how God and His word are one. Kinda like you and your words are one on a much smaller scale. Oh well to me you just sound like someone who hears the word telling you the truth about are Father.
God is enough
I can so identify with this, because I come from years of having been convinced that God could be known through my intellect by the dedicated sincere study of his word. I eventually found that he would not let himself be “defined” by me, but kept bringing me rather to “knowing” him, not by definition or doctrine, but by “his”revealing to me who he is…….and I found there in lies the difference.
I found him to be outside the boundaries of my best thinking, different from our usual or excepted pattern, He won't fit in a box, and won't be defined by comparison, he operates outside of our usual, and deviates from our acceptable, etc, etc, and I was brought to see the truth of Isaiah 55:8, which I now see as an invitation to simply join him where he is, not to explain him, but to know him.
Do I still love his written word, yes, but I will not use it to try to “define” him, and I will tell you that I do “know him”. Can I answer the questions I used to labor over, about “the Trinity”, no, but I know longer need to. I am content that “God is”, and has brought me into this amazing relationship with Himself, through Jesus Christ, regardless of what I doctrinally understand or don't understand about him. In fact, I find as much contentment in what I don't know as in what I do, and find the mystery of God to be reassuring as to His being who He is. I am continually grateful that He keeps me remembering that he, just himself alone, is enough………Julie
a killing doctrine
this doctrine has been one of those in man's history that has been used to kill people! people have died over this one! yyyyyyIKEs! and all in the name of GOD, but of course.
i especially love this part of your article: “… something else this doctrine pushes … that the separation between man and God has not really been bridged in Christ in any real way because it still exists and will always exist. For the doctrine teaches that God is God and man is man and never the two will mix. But then what of Jesus? Isn't he the joining of God and man?“ (makes me think of a song! )
the joining of GOD and man was not something that i was really taught or encouraged about in my early years of Christianity. union? what is that? united? made one? … with GOD!! ?!! it was a very foreign idea to me. the joining of GOD and man? it can still give me shivers sometimes! ha!
the fear is that we are calling ourselves GOD. after all, isn't that was got the pharisees all fired up about Jesus? … that by saying that He and the FATHER were/was/is ONE was making Himself blasphemous and a heretic deserving of torture and death?
yeah, well … nope. union - unity - being made one with the FATHER was NOT a thing discussed or even imagined in my little religious world. ~~~~~~ the whole 'idea' is pretty mind blowing!
here's a link: - check it out. :)
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