9 Dec 2003

Can I be in Christ since I'm always questioning?

Submitted by theshovel
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Do you think that it's impossible for me to be in Christ...I mean I'm in a constant state of questioning...? R

Hello, my dear R

Do you think that being in Christ means that you would not want to scrutinize many of the conflicting teachings you had once blindly accepted?

I'm digging for the truth and I just find more questions.

Good questions are worth far more than an abundance of good answers!! Why? Because good questions are connected to real-life matters, while good answers are often little more than convenient band-aids that hide the real matters of the heart.

I hope my spiritual eyes and ears have not been blinded.

Do you remember the story of the blind man who was given sight by Jesus? Now, there is no doubt that while he was blind he felt confused from time to time, but I imagine he had pretty much learned to deal with his "condition" through his daily routine. It was all he knew, for he had no way of knowing what it even meant to "see". That would have just been a meaningless word.

Okay, so here comes this controversial man into the picture who miraculously gives him the ability to see for the very first time in his whole life. Do you suppose his daily routine had been totally turned upside down? Do you think he stopped asking questions after this incident ... or is it possible that he just BEGAN to ask questions? Hmmm? :)

Now, the Pharisees who called the man in for questioning asked questions, too, but theirs were asked to make themselves appear as the authorities of God. The blind man's questions were asked because his new sight presented so many contradictions to his former perceptions.

Never, ever imagine that your sincere questions indicate anything other than that your eyes and ears have been opened so that you find many contradictions between the logic of God (Christ) and the logic of man. :)



Never, ever imagine that your sincere questions indicate anything other than that your eyes and ears have been opened so that you find many contradictions between the logic of God (Christ) and the logic of man. :) Jim I just thank God for this reality. This ‘questioning’.

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