1 Jan 2002

Sex during a fast?

Submitted by theshovel
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I have a doubt about having sexual relationship during fasting. This is becoming a conflict between my wife and I. I am on a 40 days fasting . I eat once in a day after sunset ie., I break my fast every evening. But I believe that I am not supposed to involve in sex during the 40 days. But this affects my wife. Please advise.  S. 

Hello S

First of all, we have been made free in Christ so that we are not under any obligation to either fast or not to fast. So, if you desire to abstain from food for most of the day you can do so. Do you though in any way despise or look down upon your wife for not sharing your preference to honor God ... or do you view yourself in any way as more superior because of it? If so, I would question any honoring of God in your abstinence. If it is your joy before God to do this without holding it as a barrier between you and your wife then that is fine.

Now, why do you believe you are not supposed to have sex with your wife during this time? Somehow, I'm having difficulty with your conviction because you already make an allowance to actually break the fast every day for the 40-day period and yet you seem to think sex with your wife during this time would violate it in some way. I would think that if you really wanted to honor God then you would see no reason not to honor your wife ... for this would most certainly be something that pleases God. :)

Remember, in Christ we have been made FREE and ALIVE. Live as one who is alive and free so that your wife will receive testimony of this freedom you have in Christ. There no longer is any violation ... not in true freedom!


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Please can a Christian have any sexual intercourse on the same day he or she breaks a fast?

theshovel's picture

My friend, you are searching for an answer to something that troubles you because you are afraid of offending God based on a technicality. And in this search, you have found differing answers, haven’t you? Some have said yes, some have said no. But you want a definitive answer because you are so afraid of doing the wrong thing.

Either you or your partner want the answer to be yes, but I’m not sure if both of you are in agreement on that point. Perhaps one of you wants the answer to be no so that the denial seems more Biblically valid.

The uncertainty will always bother you because you know that you might do something based on someone else’s viewpoint. So even if you do what someone says is okay today, you may discover that someone else gives you the opposite answer tomorrow. This is what living in the realm of sin and sin-consciousness is all about, but this is not the kind of life Christ has freed us to.

I tell you that you are totally free, that you are not living in the realm of sin or sin-consciousness. But you need to live within the scope of your own conscience so that you do not end up condemning yourself for what you approve. Live as one who is truly alive in Christ, one who does not need to seek permission from another.


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