Obsessively Focused on Sin
Submitted by theshovelHi Jim, I seem to be obsessively focused on sin and it is really getting me down. If we have a choice between sin and good how can i choose what is right because when im like this i always seem to choose wrong, in other words what do i say to myself at that time? Also, do i have to feel guilty for sin because if so then i'm going to feel guilty all the time with my obsessions? e.g 'continual sin'. If there's things that you haven't changed yet do you have to feel guilty until you do? One more thing, if there is no more law for us, is there no more sin and therefore no more guilt? Where does guilt come from and is it good? Confused
Hello Confused
Your confusion compels you to ask some good questions, and the ones you pose suggest that you may recognize the hopelessness of this downward spiral. After all, how can you choose right when your sin-obsession dictates your choices? Now, do you realize that the inevitable guilt only serves to reinforce those obsessions? For whether your guilt convinces you that you are stuck in your sin-obsessed cycle or whether it forces you to resolve to do something to break free from it, you still end up viewing yourself according to sin. And yes, you will feel guilty all the time, even if find success in changing some of the behaviors that offend your conscience. For although you may alleviate enough of your sense of guilt so that you may even feel victorious, as long as you view yourself according to sin there will always be offense smoldering underneath.
If we have a choice between sin and good how can i choose what is right because when im like this i always seem to choose wrong, in other words what do i say to myself at that time?
Instead of looking for the right words of truth to repeat like a mantra at these times, why not continue by asking the next obvious question: Who can deliver me from this dilemma? You see, it's not a technique, a method, or even protective Bible verses ... it's Christ himself who is the answer to your dilemma. And in him you will discover that your dilemma has its existence in the realm in which we no longer live. You are dead to that realm, but as long as you keep imagining yourself to still live there you will live as if it is still true.
Guilt is connected to the realm of sin and death and is stirred up by law. And yes, God works all things for our good, for he has made it so that guilt will wear you out until your heart finally cries out for true freedom. :)
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