The Law Our Guardian?
Submitted by theshovelJim, how was the law our guardian until Christ came? Dave
The law, then, was our guardian until Christ, so that we could be justified by faith. Galatians 3:24 HCSB
Hi Dave!
Good question. Actually, the law was not OUR guardian … it was Israel’s guardian until the time of Christ. Israel under the law was just like children who needed someone to constantly watch them and hold their hand. Somehow though, the predominantly Gentile gathering of Galatian believers were intimidated into assuming that believing Jews were more spiritual, more connected to God because of their fleshly birthright. When such Jews would claim they were the true children of Abraham it seemed to have some substance behind it. The truth was that in following the demands of these fleshly children of Abraham the Gentile believers became more like those who needed their hands held by the law.
Is there a parallel for us today? Of course. When those who have become considered the stewards of God’s Word try to enforce their own form of spirituality on those who are outside the realm of the “more spiritual” they need to be recognized as children who needed a guardian rather than as grown sons who no longer need such supervision. They are just like Israel who was under law and should not be considered as having any special authority. They need not be despised in any way either, only recognized as acting like children when they pull their pompous attitudes.
Jim :)
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