15 Jan 2012

Saved from what?

Submitted by theshovel
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I don't know about you, but for me the words saved and salvation all too often come across as little more than expressions of the shallow, religious mind of man. Don't misconstrue my meaning, for I still use the words. But not like I used to. Now, I don't address these things to irritate or push you away, but rather to stir you to reconsider what being saved really means. I want you to find confidence and joy in true deliverance, not in a religious substitute.

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, Colossians 1:13

He rescued (saved) us from the domain of darkness. Let me ask you something: When you read that statement, did you automatically limit the scope of what it means to be rescued by Christ in order to understand it? What I'm saying is that this deliverance, this salvation must be recognized as all-encompassing as it has been stated. You see, the domain of darkness from which Jesus rescued us doesn't represent something to which we never belonged, but rather it was the arena of our former existence, the world that defined everything about us: our thoughts, our actions, our motivations, our imaginations, and so forth. From this domain we have been rescued!

But not only have we been delivered from the very sphere of our former existence, we have also been transferred to another reality, which is the kingdom of the son of God. Once again, let the vastness of this reality overwhelm you! Let the all-encompassing scope of what this means break down all of your preconceived ideas. You see, we cannot define this reality by limiting it as either something in the here-and-now or somewhere off in the future, for our citizenship in the kingdom of Christ has brought us into the one who is not bound by any perception of man.

The Shovel Shack has moved!

Although I'm still tweaking a few things at its new home, the Shovel Shack has moved to a new domain: shovelshack.org. The former Shack domain, shovelshack.net, will remain as an archive of a decade of past discussions. If you haven't been around in a while, or even if you have never visited before, why don't you stop by? Please note: being registered on the old Shack does not carry over to the new Shack, which means that you will have to register again to participate. Come on, check out the new Shovel Shack!

Shovel Audio

Adam and I have recorded another audio, The Miraculous Significance of Tongues. We both would love for you to take the time to listen. It should prove worthwhile. We'd love to hear from you.



wow! i LOVE this!  :) it has really captured my attention this morning!  :) i started thinking about that phrase: “…from the domain of darkness…” - that which is ruled by and has authority, power and control over another or others. the operative word here in my mind being ‘darkness’- that which lacks ‘light’. it is written somewhere that in Him (Jesus Christ) there is NO DARKNESS at all!  :) we can truly say hallelujah and amen to that!  :) perhaps we have been distracted from allowing ourselves to ask the obvious question of HOW we were removed.? if we allow ourselves to ask and think about it, we may conclude the ‘how’ to be something and by some-One other than what and by whom we have been distracted and led to believe is the Source of the ‘how’. think new birth. being made a new creation. a miracle, to say the least. GOD is all about the miraculous, being the very Source of the miraculous-the very Source of who HE has made us in Christ. my thoughts went to the matter of being a natural born citizen of a realm that is owned, ruled, reigned over, and controlled by an authoritarian who is darkness, destruction, and devoid of Love. truly our ‘once upon a time’ identity, plight and reality. then thoughts went to how it takes a miracle to become a natural born citizen of another realm. there can’t be both, right? there has been a new birth, a new life, a new identity. the new heart is supported and encouraged when realizing that we are something truly ‘more’ and BETTER than a mere citizen of a new realm, but an actual family member of the new-to-us realm!  :) we are sons and daughters of the FATHER, and siblings of the actual Ruler, Authority and reigning Power of Light, Life and Love. truly a realm of family … a family and citizenry that lacks nothing … is deficient in nothing that would require something from and for us to obtain, maintain, and sustain. this is more supportive GOOD NEWS about Christ in us indeed!  :) thank you again for provoking such wonderful supportive thoughts for the New Creation, the Body of Christ, and the family of GOD. :)
theshovel's picture

Thanks so much for posting this wonderful comment. Indeed, it has taken a miracle of the amazing grace in our God. For he has done this through his Son. We became raised again in him. :)


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