30 Sep 2011

Standards vs. the Life of Christ

Submitted by theshovel
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For this week's Spoonful, I'm quoting a piece from the recent Shovel Audio...

My friends, when you were rescued from the domain of darkness, you were also transferred into the kingdom of light. Don't question the reality just because at the same time you were also initiated into a setup brought on by having been left in the arena of your former bondage. At one time, the logic of Christ (which is diametrically opposed to the reasoning of the natural mind) well, it made living sense to you. It was just there. It was so real that you went along with things you cannot explain to this day. Somewhere along the line (which may have been days, weeks, months, or years) somebody pulled you away from the truth of your freedom. Now, when I use the word truth here I don't refer to some kind of doctrinal shift in your belief system, but rather a shift in your mode of operation. For somewhere in your journey, the message of bondage finally broke through so that you once again began to accept those same standards and expectations from which you had been delivered. Once accepted, those standards begin to replace your new-creation outlook.

Shovel Audio

Shovel Audio: Living up to Standards. Check it out! :)



I just love this writing. I just so much relate to it in such a personal way. I can remember this shift. I remember it clearly as if it were a conscious thing. I was looking and searching for something outward to validate my standing up to this worldly stuff, this temptation to ‘shift’. Buried under all that human logic dwelled the realities of the new creation[the new mind] in me. Such a battle we go through in giving any agreement to it. But alas, it is what what can SEE and so we lean toward it just like our peers lean towards it. Just like the world does too. Then we have the teachers who teach the falsities that they do so that we stay just a little longer in that bondage. Wow, what a powerful delusion it all is. There is much going on that we never see with the eyes of flesh.
theshovel's picture

Indeed, there is much going on that cannot be seen without the eyes of the Spirit. :)


Maybe there just aren’t understandable answers to these questions, but I’m going to ask anyway:) So why does this happen-where someone pulls us away from the truth of our freedom and the new-creation outlook-if we now have the mind of Christ? Why would those in the light accept this bondage? So how do “we” guard against this happening? We had a friend that stayed under this bondage until they died. Why didn’t the Spirit overcome this bondage? And I sure remember this happening when I became a new creation. I know we just can trust He will take care of it!! We also know He works all things out for our good. But oh those years in bondage:( Everyone we have tried to meet with over the years, always want to try to pull us into this bondage and from our freedom in Christ. It’s like those pulling us are of another mind or Spirit. But since knowing/seeing Christ as our LIFE & our freedom in Christ, we know we can not be pulled away from Christ & His hold for we are in an unbreakable union with Him. THANKS for always proclaiming Christ and our freedom in Him as God has used you in that “holding!!”
theshovel's picture

Hello my dear Debi! :)
I've also asked those kinds of questions many times, and even though there is an understanding within me concerning all, it doesn't translate into answers that make sense to the religious mind. And I've come to realize that so many times, that's where I was hoping to resolve the conflict.

There is only one defense: Christ. And I am sure you know I don't mean that we need to add Christ in among all the all the other religious considerations, but that Christ, and only Christ is our sanity in this world. Through all things, that is where the Spirit is leading us, especially when it doesn't appear so. And this is where so much confusion comes from, for we can feel a false sense of godly security in the seeming strength of an organization. But it is just an illusion. That curtain is constantly being pulled back more than we might know ... in some of the most unexpected places.


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