6 Oct 2011

Secret Identity

Submitted by theshovel
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Hello my friends!

I've read numerous books where the main character becomes aware that his true identity is something other than previously realized. Now, an outsider might wonder why a guy would struggle at the discovery that he's really the son of a king, rather than that of a peasant, but I do understand the disorientation that would surely set in. After all, every thing you've known and experienced would have to be reconsidered on way more than a thought process.

I believe this same disorientation, along with the fears as to the far-reaching ramifications, has caused most of us to hesitate to accept our real identity in Christ. If we listen to the mind of the world, we will imagine that any real confidence in knowing from whom we are born expresses arrogance. You know what I mean. After all, who do you think you are and why do you think you are so special? Yeah, it's easier just to pretend that our new life in Christ is more about doctrine than reality, isn't it? Don't be afraid to believe who you are.

Shovel Audio

In a society where somebody will find a way to judge your every move or motive as evil, how are you to handle yourself? do you really have to walk on egg shells in hopes that you can keep everybody happy? This week's ShovelAudio program is entitled "What if it's not wicked?", and in it, Adam and I jump into issues and the condemnation that often keeps believers living as if in a straitjacket or even paralyzed with guilt. Come join us, or even take us along with you by downloading the mp3 file into your mobile player! :)

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Yes, I am now on FaceBook. I figured I might as well take advantage of the social network so that I can connect with some who probably wouldn't find me otherwise. I don't spend a lot of time on it, but I am starting to send out links and eventually updates when I have new stuff. If you want to connect to help spread some good news, you can find me here:

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Hey! I missed this one. :( Or else I just forgot to come back to it.  :) Identity - it seems to be a very sensitive subject matter for some. As you mentioned, I think that fear of arrogance is probably the biggest wall of deception in that arena. There is a very real fear of being disrespectful to the point of being blasphemous and/or heretical, and who wants to be a blasphemer or heretic? LOL Good luck with that one. Everyone is a heretic and/or blasphemer to someone somewhere. Who we are is found in the Person of Christ. We are a New Creation. He has made us thus. Arrogance is all about the individual and how worthy and valuable they have made themselves from out of themselves alone. But that is not the Identity we are found in. We are about Christ. We are out of and out from the very heart and mind of GOD. Our confidence, value and security are found in Him, not in the old Adamic nature we inherited from the original fallen man. If we are all about our Father, then what shame and fear is there in that Identity we share with and in our brother, friend, and saviour Jesus Christ?! Fear of arrogance comes from the Father of Lies who is more than happy to keep us in a constant state of fear, guilt and shame! That is all completely dissolved into oblivion by knowing who we are Sourced in and from and with and by and because of, etc. Jesus Christ Himself is Who knowing our Identity is all about! If that is ‘arrogance’ then I am happy to be that kind of ‘arrogant’. LOL That ‘lie’ is arrogance itself and it lifts itself up above GOD by convincing us of such a lie; as if GOD has done something shameful and wrong. The ‘blame’ is with the father of lies who is the ultimate originator of mislabelling and misidentifying. He is a robber and thief and destroyer! In this case of Identity, he seeks to rob and destroy the confidence and security of the children of GOD in knowing their true Identity and what it means! Because of that lie that we have adopted and adapted to, we have misidentified and mislabelled confidence and security with ‘arrogance’. They are not equals in this miraculous reality that is ours in all generosity and abundance in Christ. It is like a slap in the face of GOD and the face of His children if you ask me! Truly it is the MISIDENTIFYING and MISLABELLING that is the problem, not our true Identity and rejoicing in and praising Him in it! BOOOOO to that evil one! Let the arrogance of the evil one stand accused and silenced by our confidence in knowing who we are and the ONE Who has made us so! We should not be surprised by his constant accusations and false allegations against us! There is One Who stands for us! The very same One in Whom our lives are found! The very same One Who has identified us with Himself! Rejoice and Praise-on I say!! Cheers to Him and to all Who are His! To all who share in His glorious, wonderful and immense Identity!! We know Him and He knows us. His Spirit witnesses within us that these things are very much true, for they are sourced in Him, as we are sourced in Him. Hallelujah and amen!! :)
theshovel's picture

Excellent, my dear Sherri! :) Thanks for adding this.


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Random Shovelquote: False perceptions gone? (view all shovelquotes)

I think you’re assuming that all my false perceptions are gone. No, they keep popping up to be shot down by the overwhelming reality of the new creation in Christ. source