12 Nov 2011

Judging God

Submitted by theshovel
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Oh, I know we're not supposed to judge God, but let's face it ... judging God occupies a rather significant portion of our every day life. Maybe we've gotten pretty good at disguising those constant challenges regarding his wisdom in handling affairs in this world, especially as they relate to our own circles, but who are we really fooling? Come on, we don't actually think God can't see through the subterfuge, do we? My friends, the sooner we get past the idea that we can deceive God as we did our parents, our teachers, or any other earthly authority, the sooner we'll recognize that God's wisdom comes from another source.

Shovel Audio

This past Sunday, Adam & I discussed the famous saying, Judge not, lest you be judged. We started the audio off with a look at James 1:5. "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." The connections might surprise you.

Go to Judge Not, lest you be Judged



My personal favorite term which may indeed mean the same thing is ‘blaming’ GOD. And ‘questioning’ HIS wisdom (at least my version/perception of what I think HIS wisdom is). I have one sided arguments and discussions with HIM all the time. LOL well …. I know the arguments and discussions are really just REASONING OUT the earthy mind’s reasoning that simply can not know the wisdom of GOD, nor be comfortable with it. When I get to the end of the silly futile wisdom (thinking) of the earthy, I am left with the peaceful and calm realization that HE is indeed WISE. As you so very well put it all the time … wisdom-of-another-kind … another realm … that which is all HIM. To recap again: I love how you point out so often that our miraculous Life in Him is from another realm with another wisdom and another everything! All new! All eternal! All the time!  :) “… we don’t actually think God can’t see through the subterfuge, do we?” My issue in the past was always that I was so aware that HE knows all, sees all, etc. to the degree that I constantly suffered guilt, fear and shame b’cuz I knew I could never hide anything from HIM. I know that is still true of HIM, of course, but I know better about HIM now because of Jesus Christ. The fear, guilt and shame is melted away in HIS LOVE, MERCY, FORGIVENESS and GRACE!  :) A small spoonful that packs a GOOD punch when you think about it! :)

“My issue in the past was always that I was so aware that HE knows all, sees all, etc. to the degree that I constantly suffered guilt, fear and shame b’cuz I knew I could never hide anything from HIM”.-Visitor I am glad you shared this Visitor. For the natural mind has appealed to natural wisdom in this phrase you have here above. For Christ does INDEED SEE ALL AND KNOW ALL. The question is though, does He see all according to Life…or death? Love, Adam

I forgot to log-on before I posted my comments.  :( ooops! (she says embarrassingly) So of course it put me on as ‘visitor’. LOL I am able to ‘visit’ here so seldom that I do FEEL like a visitor! LOL Anyway … “…does He see all according to Life…or death?” BECAUSE I know HIM to view all things from HIS ‘other realm’ Wisdom … from the LIFE that HE IS … that I am able to say things like: “…but I know better about HIM now because of Jesus Christ. The fear, guilt and shame is melted away in HIS LOVE, MERCY, FORGIVENESS and GRACE! :)” Why and/or how can I say the above? Because I know He dealt with once and for all, anything and everything that caused me to suffer such fear, guilt and shame. :) and … “…the arguments and discussions are really just REASONING OUT the earthy mind’s reasoning that simply can not know the wisdom of GOD, nor be comfortable with it.” We may be NEW in HIM, however we still have all the memories of how we once reasoned with a mind that was once at enmity with all that is GOD. As we find ourselves caught up in that reasoning (far more often than we truly desire), the Living Mind we share in HIM, once again reveals to us the miraculous, other-wordly, other-realm Reasoning of Life … that Life and Reason that provides calm in the midst of the storms of whatever earthy reasoning we entertain, whether consciously, unconsciously or in other words, simply from ‘habit-unawares’.  :) I apologize for not expounding to explain those comments. You raise good discussion concerning them, Adam. Thank you for making me think. :)

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