4 Sep 2010

True Virtue vs Christian Principles

Submitted by theshovel
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Regarding some of the things in the New Testament writings that have been taken as mere Biblical principles, such as honesty, consider this: If we were to hear those statements in view of the connected demands as to our new life in Christ, the idea of attempting to constantly review every possible principle in order to do the right thing would never fly. As we have truly been set free in Christ, honesty makes the demand from within us to live in accordance with this life.

The lying voice of the world around us would have us live in accordance with its own confusion and evil desires. For those who live by the flesh continually demand that we adopt their reasoning and rationale, and it is within this perception that we have learned to twist declarations of freedom into meager principles we are now expected to perform as Christians. However, this is a futile quest, as within this natural-minded perception the cards are stacked against us. Make no mistake about it, for in this framework we are expected to fail. After all, the lie stands upon a process by which one strives to establish a continually improving ratio of success in order to be regarded as having achieved the virtue in question.

Those who live by the Spirit hear the encouragement to stand fast in their true life in the midst of a twisted and perverted world. For those in the darkness would have us believe that we share in that darkness, when in fact we are sharers in the light. To deal honestly with those around us is to deal with them according to the truth we have been re-created in, the life that is always testifying from within us. To not deal honestly is to pretend along with the confused and darkened mind of the those who live accordingly. The lie is so prevalent and so carefully constructed that we easily overlook just how much effort and intensity it takes to keep up the act. And then we let the pretentious mind convince us that to live in accordance to our true life in Christ is merely pretense. Cunning is the mind of the liar, is it not?



“Those who live by the Spirit hear the encouragement to stand fast in their true life in the midst of a twisted and perverted world.” ~ theshovel stand fast in our true life - that is very different than what religion and the wisdom of the world ‘encourages’. it would seem what they describe us to ‘stand fast’ in (as my hubby so adequately describes) is nothing more or less than human intestinal fortitude. stand fast indeed in christ as our life, not returning to the bondage of worldly wisdom that insists that we are lacking in the things of god unless we work them up and conjure them up by fleshly determination and effort. “For those in the darkness would have us believe that we share in that darkness, when in fact we are sharers in the light.” ~ theshovel indeed, we once were in and defined by the darkness of the world, but in christ we are in the light, walk in the light, live in the light, as he himself IS the light and we are re-born out of darkness and INTO HIS GLORIOUS LIGHT.  :) “To deal honestly with those around us is to deal with them according to the truth we have been re-created in, the life that is always testifying from within us.” ~ theshovel i sooo LOVE that statement. a statement that testifies to the truth of his life that is now shared by us … hidden with god in christ jesus.  :) “To not deal honestly is to pretend along with the confused and darkened mind of the those who live accordingly. The lie is so prevalent and so carefully constructed that we easily overlook just how much effort and intensity it takes to keep up the act. And then we let the pretentious mind convince us that to live in accordance to our true life in Christ is merely pretense. Cunning is the mind of the liar, is it not?” ~ theshovel pretentious - wow - good word. a pretense of ignorance without innocence. yyyyyIKEs i can feel the heat, hate and anger of the pharisaical mind with that one! whoaoaoaoaoaoaohhhhh … a spoonful that is heavy on the ful-!  :) stand fast indeed in the LIBERTY of christ who has free-ed us from the bondage of ignorant, innocent-less pretense!  :) stand fast in the liberty that has made us new, whole and lacking nothing of all that pertains to god and godliness!  :) how? by not listening to and giving in to the lies that bombard us day by day, moment by moment, month after month after year after decade, etc. how? the spirit reminds us and we remind each other, which is our true encouragement and support.  :) this is all very encouraging to that heart and mind that has been set free indeed! :)

Jim, thanks for taking the time to write this-great encouragement and ditto what Sherri said. “If we were to hear those statements in view of the connected demands as to our new life in Christ, the idea of attempting to constantly review every possible principle in order to do the right thing would never fly.” Yes, so wonderful to be free of this absurdity and just live by the Life within us.

A very good word there brother! May it encourage us to stop pretending (believing the lies and living accordingly) and start contending for all that belongs to faith and reality, out of oneness with Him and sharing in his fullness, just as he shares in his oneness with us, and recognizes us, his ekklesia, as his fullness. Ron

“Those who live by the Spirit hear the encouragement to stand fast in their true life in the midst of a twisted and perverted world.” Thanks for this encouragement to stand fast in the freedom we have in Christ who set us free to live. Tim

Awk! Am I understanding you to say that I don’t get to be honest???!! …I mean, not honest, as in not gaining value and identity through something I do? No set of rules to cling to, to define me, to instruct me? Just God with me? Is he really enough? (EEk!) This is so cool! Aren’t our lies crafted to gain someone’s acceptance anyway? If we really believe we’re accepted, it should change everything. (And when we forget and struggle, we’re still accepted–The lie that sustains the lies is that we’re not. Right?) Wait. Really? I mean, I adore such windows of liberty when they apply to me. I am set free! But what about other people, those people who can hurt me or disappoint me? I mean, if I don’t hold THEM to these virtues, this rule of honesty, how will I control them, measure them, and judge my response to them? You’re messin’ with my world. again. I don’t have a clue how to behave or respond to all my thoughts that spin from what you wrote. But I like it. Becki

Confused and clueless. That defines these teachings well.

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