25 Apr 2010

The Insanity of the Search for Justification

Submitted by theshovel
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We might shake our heads at mice that run non-stop on the wheels in their cages, but at least they get some exercise as they go nowhere. Humanity endlessly spins on a different kind of wheel. For we, the people, desire a satisfaction that only moves farther away with every empty-handed grasp. Man wants the world to revolve around himself, he wants to be applauded, he wants to be cleared of any and every fault, he wants to be proved right. He wants justification.

Now if your mind goes religious at the mention of a word like justification, you need to realize that religion has no corner on this market. Listen to the arguments in the world around you, or simply pay attention to one of the continual arguments going on in your own thoughts. Can you not hear the desperate demand for justification in every argument of man? That argument says, I am right and you are wrong, and I want you to admit it. Oh no, this is not confined to the realm of religion, it lays the foundation of every human institution. For it exists at the core of every individual.

The justification we have in Christ has no similarity to the justification being sought in the world. It is rather the insanity of the futile mind that has corrupted the simplicity of the good news. "Seeking to be justified in Christ" is a statement regarding the religious perversion of the satisfaction Christ brought about, for he put an end to that endless search. Jesus did away with every argument of man by putting it to death. He ended the arguments and the blame and the fault and all the futile attempts simply by becoming all of that on our behalf. In him, the old is history, for we have been made new by his risen life. We only enter back into the argument when we pay attention to the lie. The world cannot tell you who you really are, for it does not recognize your life, which is hidden in Christ.



Beautiful brother! Music to my heart and spirit! Sprint

I so needed to be REMINDED of the TRUTH that your last sentence had. I am still in progress of getting that deep down in me. ‘The world cannot tell you who you really are, for it does not recognize your life, which is hidden in Christ.’

“The justification we have in Christ has no similarity to the justification being sought in the world. It is rather the insanity of the futile mind that has corrupted the simplicity of the good news.” You used the word simplicity in the paragraph above. When I remembered the four words, “the simplity of faith”….I can’t tell you how much that helped me. I had been doing what you said. My futile mind was corruting the simplicity of the good news!! Darlene
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Hello Darlene! You want to know what makes this good news even gooder? While we may be swayed by its influence, that futile mind belongs to the old creation. We have the mind of Christ!! :) Jim

”” “Seeking to be justified in Christ” is a statement regarding the religious perversion of the satisfaction Christ brought about, for he put an end to that endless search. Jesus did away with every argument of man by putting it to death. He ended the arguments and the blame and the fault and all the futile attempts simply by becoming all of that on our behalf. In him, the old is history, for we have been made new by his risen life. We only enter back into the argument when we pay attention to the lie. The world cannot tell you who you really are, for it does not recognize your life, which is hidden in Christ. “” LOVED that!  :) thank you!!  :) end/endless old/history back/lie life/hidden in christ awesome wonderful relief to be refreshed in the ALWAYS NEW!  :) in the one and only truly satisfying one!  :) hugs to you shovel-dude!

“Jesus did away with every argument of man by putting it to death. He ended the arguments and the blame and the fault and all the futile attempts simply by becoming all of that on our behalf”-Jim Just what did we think these “quarrels” Paul mentions comes from? And why do we think it any different today? A world without the knowledge of Christ IS a pursuit of justification in the flesh. We are even reconciled to EACH OTHER despite what is acted out in the flesh. How about that!!!  ? Wow, I thank God He met that need.

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