Does Grace Make Light of Sin?
Submitted by theshovelSo ... does grace make light of sin?
As a child, many things made sense to me that can only make sense to those who don't know any better. Let's face it, how many of us grew up seriously musing upon such heavy questions as how Santa Claus could actually bring toys to every child in the world, or if you could really lay on a cloud? Don't misunderstand, I'm not criticizing children for not knowing what can only be known by growing through experience - otherwise, it wouldn't be childhood - I'm simply using the analogy as a reference point. I was a child, and I don't for a moment despise considering the multitude of crazy ideas that I did. Many questions, like "Does grace make light of sin?", only make sense within the framework where they make sense. Does that make sense? :) You see, I really do understand how the question makes sense, for it used to make sense to me, and I do remember why. Now, it only makes sense when I entertain the idea that it's still supposed to make sense. Other than that, I can only hear such questions as demands from children.
How could grace (i.e. the totality of our life in Christ) make light of sin, when in fact it demands that sin has been put to death? In order for sin to be made light of you would have to adopt a framework that provides a measuring stick by which it can be downplayed. Anything come to mind? That's right, it only makes sense within a framework of rules and regulations. For those who hang upon such a framework will project the sense of their system upon everyone else. It doesn't make sense to see it any other way.
But in Christ, we have been removed from that which made questions about sin to seem sensible.
For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son Colossians 1:13 NASB
Why do we insist on trying to make sense of that former domain of darkness? Do we suppose it brings any glory to God to grapple with the questions that were formed in the darkness? Instead, let us bring those questions to light so that they may be seen as having died along with everything else of that former life. Live as one who is alive, for that is what you are.
Re: Does Grace Make Light of Sin?
Re: Does Grace Make Light of Sin?
Posted: Oct-26-07 at 6:12pm by HarryTickâ„¢
Are you gellin'? Smile
Yeah man, gellin'! :)
Posted: Oct-27-07 at 11:44am by luvin
how was it in Ontario by the way?
The conference in Ontario was excellent. We had a great time and met a bunch of new friends! :)
Posted: Oct-28-07 at 12:08pm by Tommy Gregg
Thank you again and again, Jim, for encouraging us to remain focused on Christ! Grace is more than a concept, more than a principle, more than an acronym...grace is indeed the totality of our life in Christ. And indeed, grace is the ONLY thing that takes sin seriously! Grace takes sin so seriously that it (He) reveals to our hearts the utter seriousness of the cross and resurrection, and the infinite seriousness of our Lord Jesus. Anything else, particularly those who claim to take sin seriously, actually make light of sin...and the cross...and our Lord...and our life in Him...and His life in us. For these are saying that what Christ did, and who He is now to us, is not enough.
I pray we all grow in this grace and knowledge of (not about) the indwelling Christ. I pray He continues to reveal to me in His pilgrimage for me the seriousness of His cross and that I can grow in experiencing the seriousness of my freedom and identity and life in Him! "God forbid that I should the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ...for in Him nothing else matters...EXCEPT...a new creation" (Galatians 6:14-15).
I am not taking lightly nor am I critcizing those who have been confused by grace and who take sin lightly. My heart yearns to overflow to them, not to overwhelm them. I pray this is their part of their (and my) God-ordained pilgrimage of being led to more clearly see Grace...for He is alive and He is so beautiful! Gregg
Posted: Oct-28-07 at 12:09pm by John
Wonderful. Love it. If by accepting sin God makes light of it - then why not answer yes? If by accepting sin God stops being a good and righteous God - well then maybe he died too. Well what do you know - he did.
Posted: Oct-28-07 at 12:46pm by luvin
Sorry Jim,
I guess I was just asking how Ontario was? Ive never been there.Embarrassed
Oh ... LOL The part of Ontario we drove through is rather flat, like good old south Florida. After having traveled through numerous mountain ranges and beautiful terrain to get to Canada it was rather a let down. Remember, we can't wait to get away from a flat landscape so we're rather unimpressed by what we saw. That is, until we took a drive through the Mennonite and Amish countryside after we got to our destination. That was very beautiful. Rolling hills and magnificent farmland! Jim
Posted: Oct-28-07 at 7:43pm by Bea
Dear Jim, as always you make me think and seek!!! I love your question.... Does it bring ANY glory to God to grapple with questions formed in DARKNESS? I was blessed with the answer when I sought it from HIm!!! I know that, for me, I praise and glorify Him for the LIGHT that led me out of that DARKNESS!!! Thank you and May He continue to guide and bless you in revealing Him to others!!! You bestest fan,Bea :}
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