What if James was not trying to lay some Law on the Gentiles but instead was appealing to them as the "stronger brothers"Jim
Jim this is a really good surmising on your part. I mean most of us get thrown off by the request from James to the Gentiles and yet as you have said somewhere else, "they were rejoicing at the hearing of it". I doubt that they would have rejoiced in it very long had that been a law that was set out for them live under.
Paul talked openly about living not only to please oneself but, also his brother. If a Jew was going to have an absolute meltdown over this stuff, then as new creations it must have been easily avoided by the Gentile at that time. For they understood the dynamics of the time they were in.
I am sure Jews often made it clear that what the Gentiles did was a major offense to them. Since those things hold no power and the Gentiles now knew the Living God, what value would there be in holding onto such traditions of paganism? Especially in view of the offense it gave the weak conscience of the Jew.
Just my meanderings here...thanks for this work brother.,
What if James was not trying