10 Feb 2010

Is every man enlightened by Jesus?

Submitted by theshovel
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In the same way, I believe as man thinks of himself as separate from his Creator, he, in that perception, is without Christ, and without the life. There is only ONE life, and that has always been true. It is only when sin was introduced into the world that came the thinking that we all have our own individual lives apart from our Creator. That thinking is part of the old man that Christ came to do away with, for he demonstrated that his light was what enlightens EVERY man, without exception. That true life, that only life, is the light of men, a light which all men possess, although because most are blinded to seeing it, live as in darkness. Ron
Joh 1:9 It was the true light - which is enlightening every man - coming into the world.
Joh 1:4 In it was life, and the life was the light of men.”

Hello Ron.
John 1:9 has often been used to support the seemingly clear teaching that every man has or is in the light of God. My question, did John actually suggest that this enlightening was to be taken that way? I am sure that he did not. Yes, he did say that the light shines on every man, but to what effect? In other words, what is the result of this enlightening as seen throughout John’s account? You already quoted one of the verses that sum it up. Here’s a larger portion:

And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness more than the Light, for their works were evil. For everyone practicing wickedness hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, that his works may not be exposed. But the one doing the truth comes to the Light, that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God. (John 3:19-21 LITV)

Here is John’s declaration as to the light that has come into the world that has enlightened every man. John’s whole account testifies to the revealing of those who are of God, those who came to the light from out of the darkness of this world. This revealing by the light having enlightened every man shows that those who do the truth do so through God’s working. God chose to reveal this truth against the backdrop of darkness. I don’t see anywhere in John’s writing that he attempts to figure out how this same truth applies to those who do not come to the light. Rather, he pretty much remains consistent all the way through his gospel account and his letters.

Trying to make John’s words say that every man is in the light or that all have Christ really goes against the simple testimony of all his writings. In doing so, it John’s concern was with those who have come to the light, those who have Christ, those who do the works of God through God, that is, those who believe. It is about the miracle that God has called into the darkness and that we come to the light. It is about us being left here in this world of darkness but not being of this world of darkness. It is the constant testimony that God works in us in the midst of this present darkness, and that he is showing himself as the one who works powerfully within us. To try to work out a way to see the darkness as John spoke of it in any other way than as he did really does miss so much in the process.

New Testament: 

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Random Shovelquote: What kind of gospel... (view all shovelquotes)

Let me get very blunt. What kind of gospel leaves you in the unknown regarding the very premise of the actual good news of Christ, which is full confidence in one’s relationship to God through Christ? What kind of gospel causes you to think it’s all about what you do or don’t do, when the good news declares that it’s not about you at all but all about Christ and what he has done and is now doing? source