2 Dec 2013

Shovelaudio Uganda! Our Freedom in Christ Conference. Day 5 (pm)

Submitted by theshovel
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Day 5 of the Our Freedom in Christ Conference in Kampala, Uganda (11/5/2013-11/9/2013). The afternoon session.

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.5p

I start the afternoon session with 3 songs. If you listen, you can hear them singing along in the background. After that, I respond to a question based upon the truth in Colossians: “As you have received Christ the Lord, so walk in him.” The point of the question has to do with why we as believers — that is, we who have been given life through the working of God — can be so easily thrown off as to walking in Him in that same way … through the working of God.

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.6p

The following questions are all related to how the book of James seems to present the Christian life as a To-Do list. First, Why does James seem to present it that way, and what do we do with that whole approach? Then, What about faith and works … are we supposed to try and balance them? What about Faith without works is dead?

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.7p

    In the queue:
  1. What is mustard-seed faith? Does every believer have this?
  2. If we can do all things through Christ then why don’t most believers seem to be accomplishing anything?
  3. What is obedience?

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.8p

    In the queue:
  1. Does God refuse to take away our weaknesses?
  2. Do our weaknesses translate into depravity?
  3. Do we convince ourselves into believing we are still depraved?
  4. What does it mean to confess our sins to one to another?
  5. Does the holy spirit still convict us of sin?

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.9p

    In this audio segment:
  1. Is conviction of sin supposed to make us feel bad so we might change?
  2. If I don’t feel sorry for my sin, won’t I become numb and harden my heart to sin and good works?

Shovelaudio Uganda 5.10p

What is prayer? What is worship? Why do appearances seem more powerful than the truth in their suggestions to us? In the struggle or battle against sin, what is the role of choice? Can we sin our salvation away?

New Testament: 


Strangely enough the 5.7 download doesn't show in this section Jim?

My brother I just genuinely enjoyed this recording. The last question you posed at the end[for the next audio] sounds like it could very powerful. Look forward to that and will be checking in for it.

Thanks for this labor of yours!


Oh and I forgot to say that I know that you have been in the grip of a unusually random work schedule and had some computer issues as well, so I really thank you for taking the time to share these with us bro!

theshovel's picture

You are welcome, my brother! :)

Well hey, there it is!


I have listened and re-listened to all the audios Jim, and though each one was powerful enough to comment on individually, I'll sum them all up this way.

I thank all the brothers and sisters in Uganda who asked such honest and real questions, and your honest and real responses, which resulted in NO religious game-playing going on.....what a delight to listen to. Also very profitable as it sparked many real and honest conversations with my friends.

And Father was so faithful in that He gave me experiences that had me live the basic truths being stressed in the audios. One such case in point was when a young man backed into and demolish my mailbox. I didn't see it as a big deal, and it was agreed upon that he would come back and replace it. As time went by and it wasn't done, a concerned neighbor wanted to jump in there and make sure that I wasn't being taken advantage of because I was being too nice. I didn't let him do that, but for the next day and a half thoughts kept coming to me to consider the reasonableness of his logic. But then Father would reminded me that I lived from a different realm which saw everything according to the Life and mind of Christ, and as if He was settling the issue, I knew no matter what, I had to live out of this new creation of who I was in Christ.....meaning He would walk me through all the circumstances of this world in His way and His time. The way he happened to do it this time was that later that afternoon the young man came and replaced the mailbox, apologizing for his unavoidable delay........and here's the best part, our conversation when He was done brought out that He was in Christ and knew Him as Life.

I'm left in awe of how greatly Daddy loves all His children.......Julie

theshovel's picture

Wow Julie, that is so excellent. I love the testimony of his real life working in and through you and this young man. Thank you so much.


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Random Shovelquote: More blessing? (view all shovelquotes)

Are you approaching them (those you counsel) with principles of more blessing if they stop sinning?  source