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Our testimony is not a prepared speech stuck in the past but is a living reality of the only true life that is within us, who is Christ. source

Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

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Does being called righteous through what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross have anything whatsoever to do with actually doing what is right? Now, I wouldn't be so quick to answer, not even to support the truth of salvation by grace through faith apart from works. For I would imagine that most of you are quite familiar with other references, such as:

If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him. 1 John 2:29 NASB

Yeah, what about something like that? How should we view this whole aspect of righteousness, especially considering the overwhelming religious dogma that has resulted in so much guilt and shame from the inability to do what is required? Dominic and I discuss a wide spectrum on this issue, and what we come up with will hopefully encourage and strengthen your hearts and minds in Christ.

Jim Minker & Dominic Adam Harte

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Re: Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

When seen without all the dressings of the world, this reality in Christ is absolutely awesome isn't it?!!

Re: Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

Amen,Amen, and Amen. You two are always speaking to the Hope and the Life that resides within me! I love it!


"Christ in You, the Hope"

Re: Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

Thanks Mary! :)

Re: Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

Thanks again for this message about God's finished work of life in believers. It's amazing how such a simple message gets so covered up by so many sources. It's great to see you guys shoveling so faithfully :) I've been looking forward to these audios every week. Cheers.


Re: Doing What is Right (Fear and Standards)

Mikey, I am excited to know that you actually look forward to these audios. Adam and I really enjoy making them. :)


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