<<<Does RECONCILIATION go hand in hand with forgiveness. I know it does when it comes to the finished work of Christ on the cross. -But If I let go and allow Christ to forgive through me,(That's probably not the right way to put it, but I can't think of any other way at the moment)- He's not going to make me 'reconcile' to people who would destroy me all over again is He??>>>
Hi R,
I do not think there is any particular demand upon you to go back to an abusive situation just because you recognize that through Christ God holds nothing against anyone. The truth of the matter is for you to become confident in so that it may affect all your relationships because it actually establishes the true basis of relationship.
True reconciliation is what Christ brought about by having removed the offense by having died to it and raised to new life ... which means that reconciliation is found in the life of another: Christ. Now, you may again encounter those who have caused this abuse and at that time it will be freedom to you to remember that fleshly attempts to "recompense" or fix the situation are worthless. Because only in Christ is there any "reconciliation" and it is only in HIM that there is nothing held against another.
Remember that guilt is done away in Christ so that you have no cause to give into the beliefs, and subsequent feelings that will demand it of you. I see no reason to force what only God can prepare you for ... just be ready to remember the truth! :)
Love, Jim