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The connection between David Drummond and myself goes way back to our first meeting in the summer 1971 where we met at a Christian coffeehouse. Shortly after I purchased my first guitar I hooked up with Dave and Brady, another guitarist friend. Through many musical evolutions -- from trio to rock back back to trio then to duo into church band to rock band -- Dave and I stuck together, singing wherever people could stand to hear us for more than a few minutes. Dave had often added piano to our music, and during the last band we played in together Dave became quite proficient at playing the synthesizer as well. It became his instrument of choice.

In 1992, Dave and I recorded this collection of original instrumental songs on my Technics "Digital Ensemble" and his 4-track cassette mini-studio. All songs were written, performed and produced by either myself, Dave, or a collaboration between the two of us They are all available for download and can be played back through the Windows Media Player. To download a song to your computer just right click on the link and choose "Save Target As" (or "Save Link As"). When the download box pops up choose an easy to find folder to put it in, such as "My Music".

the shovel home page

Home page of the shovel

The Fire Keeps on Burning collection of songs by Jim Minker

WindowsMedia Player