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"Caelus" (KY-lus - Latin, "of heaven") was the name Dave Drummond and I had chosen (circa 1972-73) for our trio. After losing connection for 5 years, we got back together in 1979 forming the nucleus of the band you're about to hear. By this time we had added another guitarist and a bass player. My wife, Sherri, also sang with us occasionally, but certain small children, and another on the way, kept her input to a minimum. Our main venue was "Grace Bible Church" where we regularly performed and led sing-alongs for a few years. Unfortunately, I had to make these tracks from a 2nd or 3rd generation cassette tape so the quality leaves much to be desired.

This time was a HUGE transition period in my understanding of Christ ... and it shows. You see, while I was obviously recognizing the miraculous new life we have in Christ--and had discarded many religious trappings--I was often attempting to fit certain commonly-accepted teachings back in. And this is an important point I want to make regarding much of the "grace truth" presented by the institution, for it often offers little more than a convenient blend between form and life. In other words, our old religious mentality believes it can explain this life so that it makes sense. Hang on to this notion and you will find yourself always needing to cover your tracks in order to justify "grace". Let it go, my friends, let it go.

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