Jesus Christ, Word Made Flesh, Son of God, Trinity?
Jesus Christ. We are free in him, made alive in his resurrection, justified by his death on the cross. But who is he? The son of God, the son of man … yes. Unfortunately though, too many of our ideas of who he is are embroiled in technical details of complex doctrines and bits and pieces of scripture. We want to understand his nature and his place in the “Godhead.” We’re often so obsessed proving that he is God (aka. the second person of the Trinity) that we miss the simplicity of this one who became the new creation and our connection to God himself.
He is the Word of God, that is, the Word made flesh. To understand him is to truly understand what man was meant to be, and what we have become in him. The connection between God and Jesus Christ is the same as between one who speaks and the word that comes forth.
If I were to tag every article that referred to Christ, the list would be so ridiculously long that it would be worthless. Every so often, though, I write an article or response to a question specifically addressing something about the nature or character of Jesus, the one who is our life, and that’s what you’ll find here. :)