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Justin, my heart is lifted once again to be made aware of the wonder of our Father as He works Himself in His children. Only He could have so quickly brought you to see and accept the truth of what He was making known to you through Charlotte....and all in such love that we his body have for one another through Him. I eco what Charlotte just posted and I'm excited for all of us as He makes himself known to us, both in our individual experiences, and in how He uses His body for each other. Know that you are loved........Julie
Random Shovelquote: What kind of gospel... (view all shovelquotes)

Let me get very blunt. What kind of gospel leaves you in the unknown regarding the very premise of the actual good news of Christ, which is full confidence in one’s relationship to God through Christ? What kind of gospel causes you to think it’s all about what you do or don’t do, when the good news declares that it’s not about you at all but all about Christ and what he has done and is now doing? source