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Taken from the book "the Chicken Qabalah:" The first kind of Nothing is called Ain. 3 This Nothing is really nothing-not even the concept of no-thing Now, if Ain just sat around nowhere doing nothing It.s a sure bet that nothing was going to get done. However, something happened to make Ain actually become Nothing (maybe bec~use it was Nothing all along and just had to wake up to the fact). This new, defined Nothing the Qabalists call Limitless Nothing, or Ain Soph. The third kind of Nothing is a hybr,id Soph c~lled Ain Soph Aur, Limitless Light. I vie,,:, It as.the light bulb that goes off in the vastness of Ain Soph when It realizes the perfect Notness of its Nothingness! Nothing is Not! This double negative IS tantamount to saying "Something is!" and sets the stage for the first Positive in the universe-the concept of One. In other words, all existence started with Christ's work on the cross. That is the creation. Remember, there is no such thing as time, space, matter; all that is darkness. The first chapter of Genesis alludes to it almost verbatim. Everything outside of this didn't actually happen although we swear we think it did. Dunno if anyone can wrap their heads around that one! LOL. But I hope it intrigues you.
Random Shovelquote: No differences in Christ (view all shovelquotes)

... in Him there are no differences because His Spirit has truly made us one!! True understanding comes as my measuring sticks keep getting snapped and I once again have my eyes opened to the measureless life of Christ who is MY life.   source