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If you are one who believes in Christ, then you have been made alive in Him AND YOU ARE DEPENDENT UPON HIM FOR YOUR VERY LIFE. source

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Lust, Porn, and the Power of the Law

I found the following response I made a year ago as I was sifting through some past emails, and I thought it might connect with some of you.

What drives your lust for porn? Does the fact that it is forbidden have anything to do with it? As children, did we not do what we were not supposed to do? Or go where we were not supposed to go? Are you not still taunted by that which appeals to you on the basis that you are not supposed to have it nor to do it? Consider the similarity between the insatiable drive for porn and the irrational desire to find out what is behind a closed door or inside a wrapped package. Our imaginations cause us to speculate as to the desirableness of that which is hidden or forbidden to us. You remain convinced of the irrational need to pursue that which is being dangled in front of you in direct relation to the belief that whatever has been forbidden must be wonderful. I tell you these things not as a rebuke but as from one who understands the power of the law's work upon the imagination. :)


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