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What if the religion of Christianity has simply designated Jesus as being its token-God much the same way other religions have theirs? source

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Re: The Joining of Two: the Purpose of Marriage

Hi Tim,

Hey thanks for your feedback. We both appreciate it for sure. You know, I have considered a more back and forth style but, as of right now there is probably enough for the both of us to keep on task. Right now I create the material every week and of course keep track of all the breaks and of course as we break he and I talk about keeping on task etc. Jim briefly goes over the material and then he is able to speak to some of what comes to mind and heart as I moderate. He also then will spend time editing it the next day. I too will also submit the headings to post on the Shack for the subject matter. So it works pretty nice now. Personally I really enjoy it and because I work 3 jobs it is a welcome break to do some listening while I work behind the scenes of the show. Who knows? We may just do a show or two were we banter back and forth but, for now it works pretty well with what we both have on our plates. Keep in mind it actually cuts into Jim's bed time and I literally get off work and I am eating dinner within minutes of setting up for the program. It is barely squeezed in..but it has been worth it. Hope that kind of answers your inquiry?

thanks again Tim...



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