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If your heart is calling out to your Father, don't attribute it to a lack of being led, for it is proof that you are being led. source
Re: Self Love
Hey there Mickey,
Glad you are enjoying the Shovel Audio!
Indeed, you have sensed this outward shell of a goodness proclaimed in the world that is only death disguised as life. We find ourselves sometimes doing the same TYPES of things in this world only, from a heart that is real and true.[not as some sort of justification or empty motive]Even then I have found that we will be judged harshly for not playing by the the 'rules'. Ironic in that through Christ, we actually DO love. The world can not. We sometimes can be lead down an empty path or two but, we know, we know.
Yeah, he he he I also know about the 'Christian chicks' thing you put out there too[i remember this being the case way back when]. For it makes so much sense to the flesh to be engaged in outward measurable stuff, especially when all that defines you is...outward appearances both bodily and in deeds.
Thanks for commenting Mickey!