Pursuit of God

The truth is that had God not pursued us we would have been quite content in our own pursuits elsewhere. The Jews under the Law were those who pursued God - just as those in the modern institutional church are also seen as having done so - and yet those who pursued righteousness did not find it. Ironically, it was found by those who did not pursue it: the Gentiles … the outsiders, those alienated from the “promises”, etc

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Yes, seeking to be patted on the back for their righteousness, their additions, their way of life. But God did not commend them! He made it undoable…


Thanks you two.



they were only seeking the god of their imaginations which only convinced themselves and each other that they were seeking the True and Living GOD, all the while tripping all over themselves and their 'seeking', even as HE stood in their very midsts in HIS Son Jesus Christ Who was the exact representation of the FATHER GOD they claimed to know, teach and preach so well … basking in their self-righteous 'spiritual' knowledge and deep dark emptiness.  sounds all too familiar doesn't it?  


Yes, it sounds very familiar! Nothing really changes with men, does it?


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