15 May 2015

It's one thing to say it ...

Submitted by theshovel

There is nothing so worthwhile as discovering that HE is our very real strength. It’s one thing to say it. It’s another to have become convinced of it by finding out how weak we really are. There is nothing so worthwhile as discovering that HE is our very real strength. The experience puts the sense of reality in that which we knew to be true. There is a testimony of God that works in us to bring life to that which we only understood as a concept.

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I am so thankful that God persuaded your[and others] heart  many years ago to Him as the God of all grace that He is.




theshovel's picture

So am I, my friend! :)


“… testimony of God that works in us to bring life to that which we only understood as a concept.”

HE is so good at that, too isn't HE?  

“The experience puts the sense of reality in that which we knew to be true.

yes.  :)  it is very encouraging for me to know that both the knowledge and the experience are on either side of the same coin, and that they both are together in this very miraculous work of Life in us.  :)


theshovel's picture

Yes, it is very encouraging. :)

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