Grace-truth or Law-trap?

But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. Romans 14:14 NIV

At the end of the most amazing letter ever written as to the reality that we are no longer under sin or law, why is it that we imagine Paul to have put it all in doubt with this one verse? In other words, are we able to undo everything Jesus did just because we have difficulty believing it? Or does this statement fit perfectly into what Paul wanted us to understand regarding those who still view themselves as living in an unclean world? What I suggest is that Paul was giving those who know there is nothing unclean a reason to live in grace toward those who are still living in fear and doubt because their fears are real to them.

New Testament: 


… go back and read in context what Paul was writing about and to whom he was writing it and why.  :)  i love those words “… to him it is unclean …”.  Paul always focused and spoke to the Reality that goes beyond misperceptions, misunderstandings, fears, etc .  :)


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