23 Aug 2015

Grace: Life or Discussion Topic?

Submitted by theshovel

Rather than merely talking about grace, it was the life of Christ that my very being desired. And it is his life that I recognized as missing in so many discussions or sermons about grace. Now, I’m all for discussion, and even though discussion is a valid medium of communication, it is so easy to push the reality of the life aside in favor of the act of discussing the life.

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yes.honestly,i stop at “I am alive in Christ”.I recognize that living in the physical realm there might be things that try to demand more than that and that is where the real fight is. Is it Christ, and Him crucified and nothing else or is there something we have to do besides acknowledging that fact.

great discussion you two!

So Dave, are you saying, "Because God's grace empowered me to be dead to sin and alive to Christ?" Or in otherwords, I am alive to Christ....I don't have to work at it....In fact if I try to work at being alive to Christ I don't do anything but create a whole new list of do's and don'ts that I can not carry.

i wonder if part of the problem is lack of understanding of what grace really is. so many times grace is taught as something from God that enables us to do when in reality, grace is the gift of what Christ has done. two totally different aspects using the same word.

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