29 Apr 2015

Dying to Self?

Submitted by theshovel

There’s been an awful lot of struggle and confusion over the whole issue of dying to self, and it has turned into a system for many. Yes, we are indeed dead to sin in Christ. We don’t need to try to die, we simply need to see that our death in him has put us on the path of life, which is where we now live.

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Yeah, it really is that simple isn't it, Jim?   We're in it now.  Like the Cocoon that released the butterfly.


"Christ in You, the Hope"

always love your comments mclady!  thank you!  :)    heart

die to self -  how is it done?  this is often included with denying one's self.  is deny the same as die? 

i found this: “Sometimes people mistake dying to self for death of self. But self-denial is not self-rejection. To die to self is to set aside what we want in this moment and focus instead on loving God with everything we’ve got and valuing others as highly as we value ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39)”. 

then you read on from there to the explanation of how self-denial is basically denying one's self of things, circumstances, situations, attitudes, thoughts, etc. that are selfish and cause one to not be concerned about others.

sounds good, right?  what could be bad about that?

does the very nature of the self-denial require one to focus on self even more?  one  would have to be aware of every little thing one does and says and must run it all through the 'standard' law of: is this selfish?  is that selfish?  was this selfish?  was that selfish?

what is 'self' anyway?  that could be a pandora's box to open. 

blast, this is too long already.  maybe i will move this over to theshack.org.  lol

if nothing else, i love this shovelquote:  “Jesus was driven according to the life of the Spirit that was in him.”    this, for me, speaks to NATURE and SOURCE!  i always love that!  heart

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Random Shovelquote: Life-sucking monster (view all shovelquotes)

... realize the possibility that God's written testimony of Christ has been perverted into a life-sucking monster!   source