18 Mar 2015

Luke 12

Submitted by theshovel
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Hello my friends! The Shovel articles presented in this section are related to Luke 12 in more than just a passing reference. To access them, choose from either the list of article links below, or from menu on the right sidebar (they are identical). These articles might originate from a few different sources, such as from a newsletter, Q&A, or even a ShovelAudio. You can also access more related articles through one of the links just below the book navigation. Jim :)

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Random Shovelquote: Asking God to remove your sin (view all shovelquotes)

Now, if any of you are hearing this with the spirit of condemnation hanging over your head, it’s only because you’re trying to hold on to two radically different propositions at the same time. It’s like trying to travel east and west simultaneously. But trying to do the one while believing we are still doing the other is the very thing that leaves us confused and paralyzed. You see, asking God to help you to remove your sin is built upon the assumption that Jesus Christ hasn’t already done it. source