1 Corinthians
Submitted by theshovelHello my friends!
The Shovel articles presented in this section are related to Paul's first letter to the Corinthians in more than just a passing reference. To access them, choose from either the chapter links directly below or from the right side menu (they are identical). Once there, you will be offered another menu of the actual links to the articles. These articles might originate from a few different sources, such as from a newsletter, Q&A, or even a ShovelAudio.
I have probably written more on the letter of 1 Corinthians than any other. I mean, I think it has stimulated more questions than any other Biblical account, so I have given it proportionally more attention. Make sure to read any articles in the overview section because that will definitely give some good groundwork for considering any particular passages. I hope you enjoy what you read, and I hope to hear back from you.
Jim Minker :)
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